Subscription Rates for other than Life Members
Half-yearly | Rs. | 200.00 | |
Annual | Rs. | 380.00 | |
Life | Rs. | 5000.00 | (for 15 years) |
Editorial Office
The Chief Editor, Sangyaharan Shodh, GB-5, Lane-2, Ganeshpuri Colony, Susuwahi, Varanasi – 221005.
The data, opinions, statements appearing in the papers and advertisements in this Journal are the responsibility of the Authors/Advertisers concerned. The editorial staff disclaims any responsibility whatsoever for the consequences of inaccurate or misleading data, opinion or statement published herein.
Editorial Board: is constituted as per A.A.I.M. Byelaws and is modified time to time.
Editorial Board from February 2025 onward